GNG hosted their first live leaders’ event on the weekend of the 6th of May 2023 and it was a huge success! The management team were in Riga from the 3rd of May to the 7th strategizing the whole opportunity and the next 12 months of delivery.
GNG leaders from around the world were welcomed from the 4th onwards at the beautiful Wellton Riverside Spa hotel in Riga, with fantastic views to the waterways of the city center.
Friday night was a corporate invitation hosted by the company for a sit-down dinner and drinks reception with 20 of the top leaders in the community. The evening was a fantastic opportunity to get to know the varied characters of the community leaders and to sit and relax over a meal, not too many drinks though, under the strict direction of the head of Global Sales in preparation for a full day of corporate updates, new plans and information sharing on the 6th May.

“It was a fantastic event,” was the unanimous vote from all that attended.
The Days cumulated into a number of sit down sessions with corporate, in both formal and informal meetings. New business associates and more importantly friendships were formed, successes celebrated and the way forward paved.
What happened in Riga would never stay in Riga, as leaders left on Sunday the 7th of May, highly motivated and committed to making this the best year ever for GNG!